Pokemon RNG

Get raid seed without custom firmware

Use this if you do not have a switch with custom firmware


Method 1: Have a friend use CaptureSight

Use this method if you have Nintendo online or know someone with custom firmware

Method 1.a: Host the raid

  1. Save the CFWless switch in front of the den and host the raid
  2. Have the CFW switch join the raid
  3. On the CFW switch, press the Home button and load CaptureSight
  4. View the raid Pokemon in the "Wild Pokemon" menu and click the "Find Seed" button of the raid Pokemon
  5. Have the CFWless switch restart the game without saving
  6. If a good RNG isn't found, beat the raid or use a wishing piece, then start again.

Method 1.b: Start a trade

  1. Have the CFWless switch catch a raid Pokemon
  2. Have the CFWless switch join a trade with the CFW switch
  3. On the CFW switch, press the Home button and load CaptureSight
  4. View the raid Pokemon in the "Wild Pokemon" menu and click the "Find Seed" button of the trade Pokemon
  5. Do not trade the Pokemon and exit the trade so the CFWless switch doesn't save
  6. Restart the game on the CFWless switch so the den's seed is reset and can be RNG'd

Method 2: Use RaidFinder

Use this method if you must get the seed yourself

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