Pokemon RNG

All contributions are welcome!

Examples include:

  • Adding a new guide
  • Updating an old guide
  • Fixing typos or dead links
  • Feature requests
  • Anything else you'd like to contribute!

Needing ideas?

Click here for a list of missing guides!

How to contribute?


Any contributions can be posted to the guide contributions channel on our Discord, and someone can add the contribution to the site on your behalf.


Open a pull request on the GitHub repository!

This will give you credits in the GitHub repository. If you're new to GitHub, reading this guide can help get you started. You can also ask for help on our Discord.

Alternatively, open an issue on GitHub if there's a feature you'd like to see added to the site.

© 2021, PokemonRNG.com | Build: e5de70eb (7/23/2024)